Mojo: Da Floods

Mojo: Da Floods (2021)
5 Channel Video Installation; animation 2 min 16 sec
Spectra Studio, Los Angeles, CA 

Mojo: Da Floods is an animated Afrofuturist Geomyth exhibited as a single-channel short film. It depicts a speculative ecology where a Trap artist controls an entire watershed through his mixing board. Vast machines operated by music producers hover over a floodplain landscape, using bass notes from amplified music to vibrate bodies of water. Cymatic patterns in the water are used to visually mix and master sound. Spillage from the process irrigates surrounding soil and flora distributed by seed-dropping drones. Through the production of music, an new ecological system is sustained and the landscape is transformed. The film is a series of animated vignettes depicting a world where rituals of contemporary Black culture birth ecosystems and landscapes.